
2024刮刮樂代碼 英文代碼查詢



英文代碼 中獎金額 英文對照
HUN $100 OneHundred
TWO $200 TwoHundred
THR $300 Three Hundred
FOR $400 ForHundred
FIV $500 Five Hundred
SIX $600 SixHundred
SEV $700 Seven Hundred
EGT $800 EightHundred
NIN $900 Nine Hundred
THO $1,000 OneThousand
ELE $1,100 Eleven Hundred
TWL $1,200 Twelve Hundred
TRN $1,300 Thirteen Hundred
TFH $1,400 Thousand and Four Hundred
FTN $1,500 Fifteen Hundred
STN $1,600 Sixteen Hundred
SEN $1,700 Seventeen Hundred
EGN $1,800 Eighteen Hundred
TTH $2,000 Two Thousand
TTT $2,100 TwoThousand and One Hundred
EET $2,500 Two Thousand and Five Hundred
TRT $3,000 Three Thousand
TSF $3,500 Three Thousand and Five Hundred
TTS $3,600 Three Thousand and Six Hundred
FHO $4,200 Four Thousand and Two Hundred
FCH $4,500 Four Thousand and Five Hundred
FVT $5,000 Five Thousand
FTH $5,000 Five Thousand
FTW $5,200 Fifty Two Hundred
SXT $6,000 Six Thousand
SVT $7,000 Seven Thousand
SCH $7,500 Seven Thousand and Five Hundred
ETS $8,800 Eight Thousand and Eight Hundred
NIT $9,000 Nine Thousand
TEN $10,000 Ten Thousand
ELT $11,000 Eleven Thousand
FRT $14,000 Fourteen Thousand
FCT $15,000 Fifteen Thousand
SIT $16,000 Sixteen Thousand
ETH $18,000 Eighteen Thousand
TTO $20,000 Twenty Thousand
TTF $25,000 Twenty Five Thousand
THY $30,000 Thirty Thousand
FTY $50,000 Fifty Thousand
TTF $50,000 Fifty Thousand
SZJ $60,000 Sixty Thousand
SVY $70,000 Seventy Thousand
ETY $80,000 Eighty Thousand
NTY $90,000 Ninety Thousand
OHK $100,000 One Hundred Thousand
OHD $100,000 One Hundred Thousand
DHT $100,000 One Hundred Thousand
THD $300,000 Three Hundred Thousand
DHT $100,000 One Hundred Thousand
FVH $500,000 Five Hundred Thousand
SXH $600,000 Six Hundred Thousand
SHD $700,000 Seven Hundred Thousand
EHD $800,000 Eight Hundred Thousand
OML $1,000,000 One Million
OMF $1,500,000 One Million and Five Hundred Thousand
TML $2,000,000 Two Million
THM $3,000,000 Three Million
DHT $5,000,000 Five Million
TWM $12,000,000 Twelve Million
TOP 各種刮刮樂的最高獎項即為頭獎 TOP頭獎

  • 線上刮刮樂與普通刮刮樂最大的差異就在於稅制問題,線上的刮刮樂不僅可以自由購買金額,買越大中越大,超過千萬的中獎金額無須扣稅直接進入您的戶頭,以上這四款線上刮刮樂絕對是您過年過節的最佳首選!

  • 立即註冊,點選電子遊戲開啟你的刮刮樂之旅!
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